Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My day was spent...

on reading other people's blogs. Most of them I just flipped past after reading their title and description. Some freaked me out, while some were just plain lame. But who am I to judge? I'm just like them, trying to get my voice out in the world, trying to get on my little soapbox of opinions and be heard.

In the beginning of this whole thing, I started out thinking I'm going to find tons of blogs that I'm going to like and find interesting. As my day progressed, and I clicked and clicked, I discovered that there aren't too many people out there who are just typing their daily bull shit and rants like I wanted to do. Some were posting their art, photos and wares that they made. Others I came across hadn't posted anything since Decmeber or January. Pfft. Like I want to "follow" someone who doesn't write for months. What's the point then?

I figured that if I could find a blog I was interested in enough to read for more than 10-15 minutes, and I wanted to come back for more, they had a follower. But trying to find a blog was hell on Earth. By the end of my day, I've found one that had me rolling on the floor with laughter. It's fairly new and I'm their first follower. I can't wait to see what they write next.

My whole point to this is that I realize my blog will probably get glanced at and passed by people just as I passed on theirs. For whatever reason it may be, maybe I wasn't cheerful enough or interesting enough. But that's okay. This is here for me. This is here for me to vent and get it all out here because I can't get it out anywhere else. I've already been told I'm a negative person, so maybe, just maybe, putting my thoughts and feelings on here will help qwell my bitching and moaning that I'm so apt to do. And if, if by chance you do find me interesting and do want to make a comment, I'm down with that too.

Song I'm currently listening to: "Don't Speak" by No Doubt, Tragic Kingdom

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