Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday and I'm in Love - Part Deux

Okay webbers, here is another list of my loves for a Friday evening. Enjoy.

I am so in love with this show. The world stops every Tuesday at 8pm - 9pm so I can watch it and get my Finn and music fix.

Enough said.

You'll never see me without one, either in my purse, or with my nose already in it.

Sleepy boyfriend.

And I saved the best for last...
Beautiful sunsets. They always amaze me and make me happy to be alive.

So there you have it guys. Another fave five from AngelButton. I hope you enjoyed the pics, and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

Song currently playing on my iPod - "Jerk It Out" by Caesars, 39 Minutes of Bliss (In an Otherwise Meaningless World)

Monday, September 26, 2011

To Review, Or Not to Review

For those of you who know me well, you know I'm a reader. You know that I always carry a book with me where ever I go, because I never know when I'm going to get some down time. Some of you have even seen my collection of books, and even bought me a Kindle AND a Nook, because having 5 bookshelves with over 700 books (and growing) was becoming a hazard in case of an earthquake or other natural disaster.

So I've been trying to be good, and I was browsing online for a new read yesterday.

When I look for a book, especially if it's from an author I'm not familiar with, I check out the reviews on the book. The cool thing about and B& is that they let their customers mark the book with 1 to 5 stars and write a review for the book, on the book's page. What I like even more is that you can download a chapter or a part of the book for free to see if it's something you really want to spend your hard earned money on. Yay for free previews!

As I was browsing, I came across a book that seemed pretty interesting to me. It has gotten some good reviews, and I was even able to get a sample of the book to read before I purchased. It certainly had the right price, $.99. (I know, it's a buck. But remember all my 700 books on my shelves? If each if those cost a dollar, that's $700 right there! The dollars add up!) So I did my research, and read the reviews.

In reading the reviews, I was shocked and disgusted to find nasty reviews (especially in how they were written,) from people who didn't like the book. There was one reviewer that I felt was completely out of line and vicious with his/her words. What really made me angry was the fact that the reviewer clearly didn't take the time to read the other reviews or download the free sample. He/She even complained that they "wasted ninety nine cents," on the book. (Um, hey. DUMBASS. Next time, download the sample for FREE to see if you like it. That way, you don't waste a whole dollar and you don't waste your time reading a book you didn't like.)

I know, we all have freedom of speech and that person had a right to say whatever they wanted to in the review. But my question is, why be so mean about it? I see he/she didn't like it, they gave it two stars. (After reading the review, I was curious to know why they didn't give the book one star. Were they trying to be nice?) Why be so intentionally mean to the author? I've come across books that I don't like and I've given them 1 or 2 stars, but I don't write a review because I don't want to put the author down. I feel my low rating of the book was enough.

I don't know, maybe I'm just naive and too much of softie (yes, I can be soft and cuddly at times,) to believe that there are people out there who are really that heartless and mean on a daily basis. Especially to people they've never met. Each author that writes a book and puts it out there for you to read is like putting a part of them out there for you to look at. At least, that's how I see it.

So webbers, what do you do if you come across a book you do or don't like? Do you leave good or bad feedback? And if you leave bad feedback, how much of an asshole unpleasant person are you?

Song currently playing on my iPod - "F**kin' Perfect" by P!nk, Greatest Hits...So Far

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A New Change in the Way We're Fed

Okay webbers, chances are you were hit today by the change in your "news feed" on Facebook. And chances are, most of your friends on Facebook complained about the change in their "status update". Maybe you even complained yourself. I know I did. But then, as I was scrolling through one of the two lists now needed for me to stay updated with all of my friends and interests, an acquaintance posted this:

"Why are so many people complaining about Facebook when its a free service? People saying I'm leaving because they don't like the change! People act like they pay to have it! If you don't like it, don't pop other peoples bubbles and just go already!!"
(Please note that I copied and pasted this verbatim, and I am in no way responsible for any grammer errors.)

I think I'm offended a little bit by this post, and it's very hard for me not to comment on this person's Facebook page about it. (That's why I'm coming here to get it off of my chest.) I think I need to break it down bit by bit to explain.

They ask:
Why are so many people complaining about Facebook when its a free service?
Because we can. If we don't post that we're unhappy on Facebook about their changes, then how are they going to know we don't like it? Also, just like you're allowed to put your opinion up on your status, we're allowed to put ours up as well. I can't help it that my opinion is with the majority of the Facebook community, not the minority.

They state:
People saying I'm leaving because they don't like the change!
Um, yeah. Duh. If we don't like it, then why should we put up with it? Just because it's free doesn't mean I'm obligated to use it AND like it. Plus, use your brain. Some people will stay on because most of their friends will be staying on. Unless Facebook somehow turns into another MySpace, and people will start moving to the next big FREE thing.

Then they exclaim:
If you don't like it, don't pop other peoples bubbles and just go already!!
I'm sorry, is my opinion popping your little Facebook bubble? Oh, gee... I didn't mean to. Next time, I'll remember that you're holding what I'm saying in the highest regard and I'll have to learn to monitor what I say so I can make YOU happy. Or let's see... how about if you don't like what I say in my posts, you can use that cool little drop down arrow on the right side of my post, click on it, and scroll down to where it says "Hide Story," or "Hide All By AngelButton." And if you feel like I truly let you down and you just can't stand to have your perfect little Facebook world crumble around you because of my opinions - then delete me. Because really, I wouldn't miss you.

Song currently playing on my iPod: Rumour Has It, By: Adele, 21

Monday, September 19, 2011

I have a case of the Mondays...

Because I gave you webbers a list of some of the things I love on Friday, I felt it only fitting that I give you a list of some of the things I hate on Monday.

And please stay tuned following my list, as a fellow blogger (and my hero) happened to post an interesting blog the other day, and I wanted to share it with you all. I'll post the link to her blog after my rant on my hates, and then I'll comment on it as well.

Now, onto the hate rant!
1. Two-faced people - I think this is my number one hate. I seriously can't stand two-faced people and I think all of them should take a kick to the taco or groin on a daily basis.

2. Mondays - My busiest day at work.

3. Seafood - People are always trying to get me to eat seafood. It's not gonna happen people, me no likey. So stop trying!

4. People who solicit - Whether it be cold calling on the phone, walking into the lobby at work, or up to my front door at home, I always feel like my privacy bubble was somehow a little bit invaded. Yes, I understand these people have to make a living, I just don't want them to do it around me. If I want what you're peddling badly enough, I'll come to you.

5. Bugs - pretty much any bug will completely freak me out and make me scream like the girl I am.

Okay, now for the post. As I stated before, Brandi over at The Douglass Diaries found a post from another blogger, Single Dad Laughing. Brandi read SDL's blog and posted a blog herself in response to it. Brandi's blog can be found here, which you MUST read. If I can persuade you to do anything in your life, please let it be to check out both Brandi's and SDL's blogs. I promise you, you won't regret it.

After reading both SDL's and Brandi's blogs, I decided to take Brandi's challenge. But what would I write about? It's true that I am my most hateful and judgmental critic, and I had plenty of things that I could choose from. It took me all weekend to weed through and pick my "perfection" issue. I picked this particular issue because my brain kept circling around it and it kept coming back like a bad UTI. (Your welcome for the link.) So, without further delay, here goes.

I want to be the perfect woman. What I mean is, I want to be able to do it all - be the best mom, be the best wife (or in this case right now, girlfriend), be the best friend that everyone can depend on, and so forth. Sometimes I feel that I want this so badly, and think about it constantly, I'm falling into a form of depression. I trick myself into unrealistic goals and then become sad or angry with myself when I don't live up to the hype, which I never do.

I fail miserably at being a mother. I'm always berating myself for things I can't control, for example, my daughter and her schoolwork. If she fails to bring home a book from school that she needs for homework, or she forgets to do something on her own, then I feel it's my fault because I didn't remind her, or I didn't teach her well enough to be more responsible. Another reason that I fail miserably as a mother is because I can't afford to "spoil" my daughter. I'm constantly the parent that can afford to buy her the necessities, but nothing fun. And the real stab to the heart is that almost every time she spends time with her dad, she comes home with some frivilous thing that he bought her. And the only thing I can do is smile and say how much I like it. Another view of this is also being the strict parent. The parent who grounds my daughter for being irresponsible, while her dad lets her do whatever she wants.

I fail at being a girlfriend because I feel like I fail at everything within the relationship. Give me an example of something, and I can tell you how I fail at that. And I'm really scared because I'm afraid my boyfriend's "real" would be our relationship and how much he really hates it because I'm such a failure, and not his perfect girl.

I fail at being a friend because I feel that sometimes a friend just needs to vent to me about their life, and I somehow always find ways to interject something that happened to me in my life and tell them about it. I hate that I do it. I don't think my friends realize that the only reason I do it is because I want them to know that I understand what they're going through and I'm there for them, and that I'm not just blowing steam out of my ass when I give them advice. I'm afraid it distances people from me, and that hurts. I'm sad that out of the group of girls I hang with, two of them are best friends with one another, and the other has a best friend from years prior. I'm sad that nobody calls me "best", not just because I want the title, but because it would make me feel like I didn't fail in something - that someone actually wants to be around me, and that I'm the first person they turn to (besides a spouse) if they have a problem.

My real is that I'm crying because I feel like a failure, even while I write this. This is my real that I face everyday.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Friday and I'm in Love...

Okay webbers, it's Friday, and as such, I'm going to follow the song and tell you what I love. I'm diggin' this idea, so I might subject you to this every Friday or maybe every other Friday. Let me know what you think.

This is my daughter. She's my absolute all time love. Who couldn't love a girl who sleeps like that?

My boyfriend. The cutest man in the world showing me how much my love means to him.

When your pets want to go on the trip with you.

Our new addition to our family.

Frogs. I can't get enough of them. But I'm very picky about which ones I like, sometimes they can just be created to freak me out, and the last thing I need is some freaky demonized stuffed frog glaring at me while I'm trying to watch tv or fall asleep. And no, I don't sleep with stuffed animals, they go on the floor when I unmake the bed. But then, who wants a freaky demonized frog on the floor at the foot of the bed? Certainly not this girl. I'll have dreams that my frog turned into Freddy Kruger.

My tattoo. I loves it. It is my precious.

And lastly, notes that I find from my daughter on my desk when I take her to work with me. Proof that no matter how hard I try and please the boss people, my work is still doo doo.

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Excitement" is my middle name

So one of my co-workers bought me a plant today to replace the old one. I slowly killed the old one last year (no, not on purpose), and the pot with the dirt in it has been sitting in my office for 3-4 months now for the sole purpose of just greeting me every morning when I come in.

Welcome to another beautiful day at work.

Now this is here to greet me when I walk in.

I even have a new friend!

I have decided to be unoriginal and name my new friend Kermit.

But really, this will most likely be the highlight of my day today. I know, I know. I'm living on the edge. God forbid if something even MORE exciting happens. I might actually have a heart attack from the over excitement.

P.S. I'm completely grateful that my co-worker did this for me. I was really excited and happy that she would even think of me. (And I know it had nothing to do with the fact that she was the one who brought in the first plant and the pot the plant was in belonged to her in the first place.)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Could a customer be anymore stupid?

What I would like to tell
some of our customers.

Customer: "Um yes, we just bought bottles from your company and we need the dimensions of the bottles for a project we're working on."

Me: (as acting receptionist since MR left us high and dry up Sh!t Creek) "Okay, what's the company name, please?"

Customer: "Um, it's just..." (this is where he proceeds to tell me the company name of who I work for.)

Me: "No, I'm sorry - not my company name, but your company name."

I now have a red mark on my forehead from where I banged it on my desk a few times.