Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Friday and I'm in Love...

Okay webbers, it's Friday, and as such, I'm going to follow the song and tell you what I love. I'm diggin' this idea, so I might subject you to this every Friday or maybe every other Friday. Let me know what you think.

This is my daughter. She's my absolute all time love. Who couldn't love a girl who sleeps like that?

My boyfriend. The cutest man in the world showing me how much my love means to him.

When your pets want to go on the trip with you.

Our new addition to our family.

Frogs. I can't get enough of them. But I'm very picky about which ones I like, sometimes they can just be created to freak me out, and the last thing I need is some freaky demonized stuffed frog glaring at me while I'm trying to watch tv or fall asleep. And no, I don't sleep with stuffed animals, they go on the floor when I unmake the bed. But then, who wants a freaky demonized frog on the floor at the foot of the bed? Certainly not this girl. I'll have dreams that my frog turned into Freddy Kruger.

My tattoo. I loves it. It is my precious.

And lastly, notes that I find from my daughter on my desk when I take her to work with me. Proof that no matter how hard I try and please the boss people, my work is still doo doo.

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