Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A New Change in the Way We're Fed

Okay webbers, chances are you were hit today by the change in your "news feed" on Facebook. And chances are, most of your friends on Facebook complained about the change in their "status update". Maybe you even complained yourself. I know I did. But then, as I was scrolling through one of the two lists now needed for me to stay updated with all of my friends and interests, an acquaintance posted this:

"Why are so many people complaining about Facebook when its a free service? People saying I'm leaving because they don't like the change! People act like they pay to have it! If you don't like it, don't pop other peoples bubbles and just go already!!"
(Please note that I copied and pasted this verbatim, and I am in no way responsible for any grammer errors.)

I think I'm offended a little bit by this post, and it's very hard for me not to comment on this person's Facebook page about it. (That's why I'm coming here to get it off of my chest.) I think I need to break it down bit by bit to explain.

They ask:
Why are so many people complaining about Facebook when its a free service?
Because we can. If we don't post that we're unhappy on Facebook about their changes, then how are they going to know we don't like it? Also, just like you're allowed to put your opinion up on your status, we're allowed to put ours up as well. I can't help it that my opinion is with the majority of the Facebook community, not the minority.

They state:
People saying I'm leaving because they don't like the change!
Um, yeah. Duh. If we don't like it, then why should we put up with it? Just because it's free doesn't mean I'm obligated to use it AND like it. Plus, use your brain. Some people will stay on because most of their friends will be staying on. Unless Facebook somehow turns into another MySpace, and people will start moving to the next big FREE thing.

Then they exclaim:
If you don't like it, don't pop other peoples bubbles and just go already!!
I'm sorry, is my opinion popping your little Facebook bubble? Oh, gee... I didn't mean to. Next time, I'll remember that you're holding what I'm saying in the highest regard and I'll have to learn to monitor what I say so I can make YOU happy. Or let's see... how about if you don't like what I say in my posts, you can use that cool little drop down arrow on the right side of my post, click on it, and scroll down to where it says "Hide Story," or "Hide All By AngelButton." And if you feel like I truly let you down and you just can't stand to have your perfect little Facebook world crumble around you because of my opinions - then delete me. Because really, I wouldn't miss you.

Song currently playing on my iPod: Rumour Has It, By: Adele, 21


  1. I saw a similar post. Maybe I even saw THAT post since I now see when people I don't know post on my friends' wall or status.

    I can't agree with you more.

    And another point--yes, it's free, but we have to tolerate ads as payment. And if I were an advertiser on Facebook, I'd want to know that the clientele all flocked to Google + today!

    (O.K., I'm coming back to edit because my word verification was dickdew, and that just made me laugh.

  2. Good point Brandi, I didn't even think about the advertisers. Yes, if I were an advertiser, I would definitely want to know how the public liked the changes and if they didn't, where they ended up if they were to leave.

    And as far as your verification word goes, there's nothing wrong with a little dickdew every now and then. :)~ (Sorry, it's crude, but I couldn't help it. I mean, the word is dickdew after all.)
